Details matter.
Details matter.
Anthony Burgess
Olá! My name is Catarina Lopes and I am a qualified translator specialising in English and Spanish into Portuguese. I am also an experienced teacher working with Portuguese, English and Spanish as foreign languages. A native speaker of European Portuguese with a lifelong passion for languages, I bring exceptional writing skills to my work, both in a technical and creative way. I am quality-driven and strive for perfection at all times, because, to me, even the smallest details matter.
I offer translation services delivered to high standards of professionalism, covering a wide range of general and specialised fields, with a particular focus on marketing translations for the luxury segment. Please, browse through the Services and Specialisations menus and check out some of my recent projects.
Living in the Algarve, a renowned holiday destination, has given me the opportunity to grow in a multicultural environment and develop strong foreign language skills from an early age. I am passionate about gardening and food, with 25 years of experience as a dedicated home cook. Additionally, I have a deep interest in human development, environmental sustainability and animal welfare, all of which inspire my personal and professional pursuits.
Are you looking for a professional translator?
Degree in Modern Languages and Literature: English and Spanish Studies | Universidade do Algarve
Master's Degree in Foreign Language Teaching | Universidade do Algarve
Postgraduate Program in Translation | Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
Course on Subtitling | Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
Course on Biotechnology Translation | Tradulínguas
Course on Medical Translation: Clinical Trials | Tradulínguas
I am constantly carrying out research and investing in Continuing Professional Development to improve my skills and keep up to date with the market demands.
I regularly attend courses, workshops, webinars and conferences related to translation, languages and my areas of specialisation.
2024 – Career Days: Translation Service | Council of the European Union
2021 – How to be a LinkedIn leader | APTRAD
2016 – Attended Aptrad’s 1st International Conference, 18-19 June, in Porto, Portugal
2016 – Course on Medical Translation: Clinical Trials, 50 h, Grade: Very Good | Tradulínguas
2016 – Noções de Fiscalidade para Tradutores| APTRAD
2016 – Translating for the EU Industry: Working with Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) |
2016 – Where Regulatory Rules: Translating Drug Leaflets, Packaging and Labelling |
2016 – Translating for the Creative Industries: Fashion, Beauty, Wine| eCPD Webinars
2016 – Translating for the food industry_Part 2 Terminology |
2016 – Clinical Trials and Medical Documentation: Resources and Translation Strategies for New Translators |
2015 – «Dosage Forms», Pharmaceutical translations, 12 hours | The Alexandria Library
2015 – Translation Quality| The Alexandria Library
2015 – Translating for the food industry |
2014 - Web localisation: techniques and tips |
2014 - Writing techniques for marketing translation and transcreation | The Alexandria Library
2014 - Fundamentals of transcreation | The Alexandria Library
2014 - Key principles of effective and persuasive communication | The Alexandria Library
2014 - Translation for environmental organizations |
2014 - Scientific, technical and medical translation basics |
2014 - Translating food: tips and tricks |
2014 - Shirts, shorts and shoes: fashion translation at a glance |
2014 - Medical Translation: understanding medical terminology | The Alexandria Library
2014 - Course on Biotechnology Translation, 25 h, Grade: Very Good | Tradulínguas
2014 - Exchanging data among CAT-Tools |
2014 - Speed up your terminology search |
2014 - Advanced Microsoft Word for translators |
2014 - Debunking Computer-aided Translation (CAT) Tool Myths by Kevin Lossner | IAPTI
2014 - Literary translation and strategies for translating poetry |
2014 - Anticipating, preventing and dealing with arguments and complaints |
2013 - The difference between proofreading and editing |
2013 - Course on Subtitling (15H) | Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
2013 - Course on Trados Studio 2011| Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
2013 - No más portuñol: tasks for the Spanish language classroom | Porto Editora
2012 - Conflict Management | Universidade do Algarve / Escola Secundária de Albufeira
2011 - Assessment of oral skills | Escola Secundária de Albufeira
2011 - Models for evaluating speaking | Edinumen / Universidade do Algarve
2011 - Affective factors in teaching/learning language: teenage vs adult | Universidade do Algarve
2011 - Cantando se entiende la gente: songs in the Spanish classroom | Porto Editora
2010 - Education Meeting: Challenges 2010 | Porto Editora
2010 - “Sociocultural contents in the Spanish classroom” | Instituto Cervantes de Lisboa
2008 - CAP - Training of Trainers Certificate (94H) | Competir
2008 - “Grammar? Yes, but how?” | Instituto Cervantes de Lisboa
2007 - Course on Speaking and Writing Practices in Spanish (25H) | Universidade do Algarve
2005 - Phonology of Portuguese. Extracurricular (1 semester) | Universidade do Algarve
2005 - History of the Portuguese Language. Extracurricular (1 semester) | Universidade do Algarve
2005 - Grammatical Analysis. Extracurricular (1 semester) | Universidade do Algarve
2005 - Cinema and Literature within the Iberian Space | Universidade do Algarve
Catarina Lopes | Translation and Language Services
Member of APTRAD - Associação de Profissionais de Tradução e de Interpretação
VAT number: PT 216080975
Carvoeiro, Algarve, Portugal
© 2024 Catarina Lopes. All rights reserved.